The problem

Develop an interactive ArcGIS Storymap for the general public that communicates hazards from extreme heat, strategies for staying safe, and introduces a new community-wide Extreme Heat Action Plan.

In early 2024, the City of Missoula, Missoula County, Climate Smart Missoula (a local Missoula climate nonprofit), and institutional community partners together created a new comprehensive Extreme Heat Toolkit that outlines strategies for building resilience to heat, identify existing resources for folks, and create education and outreach materials.

The Toolkit does a great job of outlining the large-scale actions underway, but its goal is to update large agencies and organizations like the City Health Department and local hospitals with information on which entities are doing what actions with regard to extreme heat.

The team needed another tool more aimed at the general public that could be more engaging and introduce people to the issue and the community-wide efforts underway to keep people safe.


I used the Storymaps platform to accomplish this project because of its strong ability to weave together geographic information with various other media like images, videos, audio, and data visualizations into a story that is greater than the sum of its parts.


  • Research: conducted extensive self-directed research into extreme heat impacts and examples of community resilience in Missoula County and elsewhere.

  • Branding/design: created over two dozen custom charts and graphics to create an aligned, professional look and feel.

  • Writing/editing: working with a small team from Climate Smart Missoula, the City of Missoula, and Missoula County, wrote and edited the written content.

  • GIS: created custom maps that feature a variety of data layers and interactive popups that contribute to the overall story.

  • Data Analysis & Visualization: conducted multiple analyses in R Studio of global, regional, and Missoula County-specific extreme heat impacts. Visualized these analyses in a variety of charts within the Storymap.


Delivered 65% increase in viewership versus organization’s previous best efforts.


Running, Rights, & Land — Brooklyn


Extreme Heat in Montana